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Oikocredit-ren laguntza erakundeak legalki irabazi asmorik gabeko erakundeak sortzen duten pertsona boluntarioen multzoa da. Bazkideak erakundearen parte oso garrantzitsua dira eta sentsibilizazio eta hedapen ekintzak betetzen dituzte. Laguntza erakundeak Nazioarteko Oikocrediten bazkide zuzenak dira eta Espainiako bazkide guztiak ordezkatzen ditu. Gaur egun Espainian hiru laguntza erakunde daude: Euskadi, Catalunya eta Sevilla.

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Hau bezalako proiektuak finantzatzen lagundu zure inbertsiaren bidez

Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

Pro Mujer Argentina - Microfinanzas, capacitación empresarial y atención de salud para mujeres de bajos ingresos

Pro Mujer Argentina

Microfinance, business training and healthcare for women on a low income


Pro Mujer Argentina (PMA) is a microfinance institution that provides loans, healthcare services and business training to women on a low income.

PMA started its operations as an international microfinance organization in Bolivia in 1990. By 2014, it operated in five Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, México, Nicaragua and Peru, serving over 250,000 clients through communal banking services.

Communal association members receive basic business training from loan officers. PMA’s business training helps women improve their entrepreneurial skills. The training includes topics such as how to set the price of goods, how to monitor income and expenses, and how to deal with competition.

A healthcare service is available to clients and their families for a monthly fixed fee included in the credit instalment. The service’s main focus is on prevention and education.

PMA has been an Oikocredit partner since 2010.

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