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Sevilla Catalunya Euskadi

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Oikocredit-ren laguntza erakundeak legalki irabazi asmorik gabeko erakundeak sortzen duten pertsona boluntarioen multzoa da. Bazkideak erakundearen parte oso garrantzitsua dira eta sentsibilizazio eta hedapen ekintzak betetzen dituzte. Laguntza erakundeak Nazioarteko Oikocrediten bazkide zuzenak dira eta Espainiako bazkide guztiak ordezkatzen ditu. Gaur egun Espainian hiru laguntza erakunde daude: Euskadi, Catalunya eta Sevilla.

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Garapen iraunkorrerako Finantza Etikoak

Hau bezalako proiektuak finantzatzen lagundu zure inbertsiaren bidez

Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

EXITUS CAPITAL SAPI DE CV SOFOM ENR - Llenar un vacío en la financiación de las PYME y ofrecer servicios competitivos de alta calidad


Filling a gap in SME funding and offering competitive, high-quality services


EXITUS CAPITAL SAPI DE CV SOFOM ENR (Exitus), founded in 2008, is a non-banking, non-depositary financial institution that provides credit, leasing and factoring to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Exitus has been an Oikocredit partner since 2018.

The head office is in Mexico City and there are three other offices in Querétaro, Mérida and Guadalajara. Exitus operates in more than 18 states in Mexico, with a strong focus on the State of Mexico City and the State of Mexico.

The institution offers its products to a wide range of sectors: mainly commerce, textiles, personal services and financial services, which account for around three quarters of the overall portfolio (2018). Exitus has been certified as a socially responsible company.

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