COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA INDUSTRIAL VICTORIA R.L. - Apoyar a pequeños productores de caña de azúcar y café de comercio justo
Supporting small Fairtrade sugarcane and coffee growers
Bidezko merkataritza
Ziurtagiria duten Bidezko Merkataritzako produktuak, Bidezko Merkataritzako etiketa daramatenak. Adibide bat da Bidezko Merkataritzako erakunde bati bere Bidezko Merkataritzako kakaoa saltzen dion ekoizle batzuk osaturiko kooperatiba bat.Berdea
Ingurumenaren babesa bultzatu edo sustatu egiten du. Nekazaritza ekologikoko kooperatiba bat adibide bat da.Cooperativa Agrícola Industrial Victoria R.L. (Coopevictoria) is a Fairtrade-certified sugar and coffee cooperative based in Grecia, Costa Rica. Founded in 1943, it is the oldest active cooperative in the country.
The cooperative’s main activity is coffee and sugar production and trade, but it also offers services such as providing inputs, technical assistance and loans to members. It has been an Oikocredit partner since 2018.
Coopevictoria has almost 3,000 members, mostly small-scale coffee and sugarcane growers.
The cooperative model adopted by the organisation focuses on supporting social welfare and local economic development. It is the biggest employer in the area and generates both direct and indirect employment.
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