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Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

Cooperativa de Crédito Rural de Abelardo Luz - Sulcredi/Crediluz - Apoyar a las familias rurales de Abelardo Luz

Cooperativa de Crédito Rural de Abelardo Luz - Sulcredi/Crediluz

Supporting rural families in Abelardo Luz


Cooperativa de Crédito Rural de Abelardo Luz - Sulcredi/Crediluz is a credit cooperative that provides financial and non-financial products and services to more than 10,000 members in the region of Abelardo Luz. The cooperative was founded in 1996 by a group of small-scale local farmers who needed access to financing and decided to join forces in a cooperative.

In 2006 the cooperative partnered with other entities to create opportunities in terms of access to subsidised rural funding for crop development, investments in vehicles and machinery, and affordable rural housing. Crediluz has been operating independently since 2011, offering the same products and services, but with a more personal and social approach.

The cooperative aims to support members not only financially, but also through training and social development services, and to be a trustworthy and long-term partner.

Cooperativa de Crédito Rural de Abelardo Luz - Sulcredi/Crediluz has been an Oikocredit partner since 2017.

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