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Manfrey Cooperativa de Tamberos de Comercialización e Industrialización Ltda - Apoyar a pequeños tamberos de Córdoba

Manfrey Cooperativa de Tamberos de Comercialización e Industrialización Ltda

Supporting small-scale dairy farmers in Córdoba


Manfrey Cooperativa de Tamberos de Comercialización e Industrialización Ltda (Manfrey) produces and markets dairy products provided by small and medium dairy farmers from the province of Córdoba. MANFREY produces a wide range of products, including various types of cheese, desserts, yoghurt and milk. Most products are sold in the domestic market under their own brand.

The cooperative began in 1943 as a small butter producer in the village of Freyre. Today, it is one of largest dairy cooperatives in the country. Manfrey works with over 180 local dairy farmers. Most of them have little or no bargaining power for the commercialization of their products and rely on the cooperative for better marketing opportunities.

The cooperative’s activities enable producers to continue exploiting their own farm rather than having to rent it out to large multinational agri corporations. Manfrey offers members a range of additional services, such as technical advice, training opportunities, dairy farm supplies, maintenance and cleaning.

Manfrey Cooperativa de Tamberos de Comercialización e Industrialización Ltda has been an Oikocredit partner since 2017.

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