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NELIXIA - Apoyar a pequeños productores de cardamomo de Guatemala


Supporting small cardamom growers in Guatemala



Ingurumenaren babesa bultzatu edo sustatu egiten du. Nekazaritza ekologikoko kooperatiba bat adibide bat da.

Nelixia produces and exports essential oils made from cardamom and patchouli. These oils are predominantly sold to perfume and food flavour companies in Europe and the US. They buy cardamom from a cooperative and from small producers through intermediaries. The company currently employs 20 full-time staff (2016) and works with around 250 producers, including cooperative members, in rural communities.

Nelixia’s processing plant is geared towards the export market and it complies with all international quality requirements. Nelixia delivers high-quality oils thanks to the large variety and high quality of the raw materials it uses.

Despite being a relatively young company, Nelixia is displaying solid financial performance. It has established excellent relationships with its international clients and is investing in the launch of new products to diversify its portfolio.

In terms of social performance, the company has a positive impact on the livelihoods of its small suppliers, thus promoting economic development in rural communities.

Nelixia has been an Oikocredit partner since 2016.

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