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Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinicolas Argetinas Coop Ltda - Apoyar a pequeñas cooperativas vitivinícolas en Mendoza

Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinicolas Argetinas Coop Ltda

Supporting small cooperative wine producers in Mendoza


Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinícolas Argentinas Coop Ltda (FECOVITA) is a wine cooperative, founded in 1980, which packages and sells wine produced by 29 associated cooperatives in the province of Mendoza. The cooperatives represent around 5,000 farmers and wine producers. In addition to its wine activities, Fecovita is also involved in various social projects, often in collaboration with local NGOs and health and educational institutions.

Most grape farmers have their own vineyard. They use the cooperative's wineries to produce their must and wine. FECOVITA focuses on subsequently packaging and selling the wine on local and international markets.

FECOVITA also gives wine producers access to information about which types of wines are in demand on the market and how to adapt their vineyards to market needs. It also helps them improve their agricultural practices and productive methods so that they comply with FECOVITA's standards.

Federación de Cooperativas Vitivinícolas Argentinas Coop Ltda has been an Oikocredit partner since 2016.

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