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Nola inbertitu

Capital Trust Limited - Cubrir el vacío financiero de las micro y pequeñas empresas

Capital Trust Limited

Filling the financing gap of micro and small enterprises


Capital Trust Limited is a stock market listed non-banking financial company (NBFC). Founded in 1985, the company has a track record of more than 30 years in retail financial services. Initially, the company focused on lease-to-own services and financing business equipment and machinery. It has since diversified its range of services. Capital Trust has been offering microfinance since 2008, mainly to micro and small entrepreneurs in rural and semi-urban areas in northern India.

Today, Capital Trust continues to focus on this segment, which has always struggled to obtain financing from traditional financial institutions. Capital Trust fills this gap with small tailored loans designed to suit the needs of specific sectors in terms of value and duration.

By focusing on this market segment the company provides important support to India's economy. Small companies contribute almost 40% to India's GDP. Capital Trust has endorsed the SMART Campaign and its client protection principles.

Capital Trust Limited has been an Oikocredit partner since 2016.

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