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Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

CLU, Central Lanera Uruguaya - Procesamiento de lana y comercio para agricultores de Uruguay

CLU, Central Lanera Uruguaya

Wool processing and trading for farmers throughout Uruguay


Central Lanera Uruguaya (CLU) is a cooperative, providing wool processing and the trading of wool for sheep farmers throughout Uruguay.

Access to markets is always an issue for small-scale farmers. Often, small entrepreneurs do not produce sufficient volumes to be able to bargain for fair prices, and they are often restricted to a limited number of buyers, who have all the bargaining power to buy very cheaply. This puts a lot of pressure on farmers’ finances.

CLU provides advances to farmers, so they have enough resources to care for their flocks and produce their wool. It also provides training, research, transfer of new technologies, and the promotion of wool products.

CLU provides access to international markets for farmers throughout Uruguay.

CLU has been an Oikocredit partner since 1987.

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