COOPETARRAZÚ, Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL - Café de alta calidad, producido de manera sostenible
COOPETARRAZÚ, Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL
High-quality, sustainably produced coffee

Bidezko merkataritza
Ziurtagiria duten Bidezko Merkataritzako produktuak, Bidezko Merkataritzako etiketa daramatenak. Adibide bat da Bidezko Merkataritzako erakunde bati bere Bidezko Merkataritzako kakaoa saltzen dion ekoizle batzuk osaturiko kooperatiba bat.Berdea
Ingurumenaren babesa bultzatu edo sustatu egiten du. Nekazaritza ekologikoko kooperatiba bat adibide bat da.COOPETARRAZÚ, Cooperativa de Caficultores y de Servicios Múltiples de Tarrazú RL is a cooperative of small-scale coffee producers that processes and sells sustainably produced coffee. COOPETARRAZÚ also manages supermarkets, sells agricultural materials, finances harvests and provides technical assistance. COOPETARRAZÚ has been awarded with various certifications, including Fair Trade and organic, thanks to its focus on social and environmental best practices.
COOPETARRAZÚ’s coffee is considered among the best in the world thanks to a favourable acidity level, excellent flavour and body. The cooperative’s own brands of roasted and ground coffee (Buen Día and El Marqués) are enjoying strong sales, thanks to COOPETARRAZÚ’s marketing and distribution efforts.
The cooperative has undertaken a number of environmental initiatives, such as the instalment of solar panels.
COOPETARRAZÚ, Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2006.