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Sevilla Catalunya Euskadi

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Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

ENDA Tamweel SA - Ampliar la cartera rural

ENDA Tamweel SA

Expanding the rural portfolio


Enda Tamweel SA is a microfinance institution (MFI) which provides financial and non-financial services to more than 230,000 micro entrepreneurs who have limited access to financial resources and are mostly involved in home-based income-generating activities.

Despite recent political challenges, the situation in Tunisia is slowly stabilising after the adoption of a new constitution and the appointment of a caretaker government to prepare new democratic elections. The overall economic outlook is positive, and investor and donor confidence is returning.

Enda Tamweel SA has been a partner of Oikocredit since 2006 and has so far received and repaid six loans. It is a mature and sustainable MFI and a pioneer in social performance management, spearheaded by its founder, who is a member of the Smart Campaign Think Tank.

Enda Tamweel SA plans to use Oikocredit's loan to expand its loan portfolio and outreach to approximately 325,000 clients by December 2016, with a continued focus on rural areas and agricultural lending.

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