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Nola inbertitu

Unión de Crédito Interestatal Chiapas SA de CV - Financiar a pequeñas y medianas empresas en México

Unión de Crédito Interestatal Chiapas SA de CV

Financing Mexican small and medium-sized enterprises


Unión de Crédito Interestatal Chiapas SA de CV (Unicreich)  provides financial services to Mexican small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In Mexico, lack of financing remains a key obstacle to the growth of SMEs. This, despite SMEs having the potential to generate both large-scale economic and social returns. Many of these companies are at the growth stage of their development, which makes it difficult for them to obtain financing from banks.

Oikocredit’s Mexico office in 2018 estimated that there were four million SMEs in Mexico contributing 50% of the country’s GDP. More importantly, they generate 70% of Mexico’s total employment, to the benefit of many low-income and low-skilled workers.   

Oikocredit first partnered with Unicreich in 2010 and continues to support its work in financing this underserved sector. 

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