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Asociación SHARE Guatemala - Satisfacer la creciente demanda de crédito

Asociación SHARE Guatemala

Meeting increased demand for credit


Asociación SHARE Guatemala (SHARE Guatemala) provides microfinance services to a client base of 20,093 people (2015), both individuals and community banks in rural communities in Guatemala.

SHARE - which stands for Self, Help, And, Resource, Exchange - was founded in 1987 as a developer of social projects. Since 2007, a microfinance unit has also been in operation and seen strong portfolio growth. SHARE serves more than 50 communities in seven departments (2015) in the central-western region of Guatemala: Verapaces, Huehuetenango, Jutiapa, Guatemala, Quiché, San Martín Jilotepeque and Chimaltenango.

SHARE Guatemala supports the rural SME sector by allocating funds to women and entrepreneurs that have lacked access to credit from traditional financial institutions. Its portfolio covers commercial activities, industry, agriculture, services and housing.

In addition to providing loans to rural entrepreneurs, SHARE Guatemala offers various social programmes to strengthen the conservation of natural resources through reforestation projects and soil and water conservation. SHARE has taken part in the introduction of drinking water facilities, the construction and improvement of roads, bridges, schools, and sanitary assistance (latrines). It also offers nutrition information programmes to over 10,000 families.

Asociación SHARE Guatemala has been an Oikocredit partner since 2010.

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