Annapurna Microfinance Pvt. Ltd - Acceso a saneamiento y finanzas para las mujeres de Odissa
Annapurna Microfinance Pvt. Ltd
Access to sanitation and finance for women in Odissa

Annapurna Microfinance Pvt. Ltd (AMPL), founded by the established development organization People's Forum in 2010, disburses loans to women in the state of Odissa and neighbouring Chhattisgarh, empowering them to become socially and economically self-sufficient.
AMPL will use Oikocredit's investment for onward lending as microfinance for agricultural activities, such as vegetable cultivation and animal husbandry, tailoring, embroidery, and small trading. In addition, it will be used for a safe water and sanitation project.
AMPL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2010.
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