Fundación Sembrar Sartawi - Financiación para actividades agrícolas en la región rural de Bolivia
Fundación Sembrar Sartawi
Funding for agricultural activities in rural Bolivia

Fundación Sembrar Sartawi is a Bolivian microfinance institution (MFI) with a strong focus on financing agricultural activities in rural areas. In 2014, almost 70% of its loan portfolio was in rural areas with around half of all loans allocated to small agricultural units and farmer families. The organization specifically reaches out to a vulnerable group of clients who are either not served by other MFIs or not offered the appropriate products.
In addition to agricultural products, there are loans available for trade, services, production and village banking products. In 2014, Sembrar Sartawi was active in seven departments reaching more than 19,800 clients.
Sembrar Sartawi has a unique focus on agriculture in rural areas, with products adapted to the specific rural context in which farmers operate. In 2013 and 2014, the MFI implemented a number of social, environmental and risk information programmes to strengthen its position as key rural financial provider.
Fundación Sembrar Sartawi has been an Oikocredit partner since 2010.
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