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Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

Uganda Microcredit Foundation Ltd - Acceso a financiación para mujeres empresarias

Uganda Microcredit Foundation Ltd

Access to finance for entrepreneurial women


The indigenous microfinance institution (MFI) Uganda Microcredit Foundation Ltd (UMF), founded in 2008, offers microfinance services, including group loans, to economically active Ugandans who lack capital. UMF has two branches in the districts of Mukono and Wakiso, bordering the capital city district of Kampala. Around 70% of UMF's clients are women.

Many people in Mukono and Wakiso have come in from the city for various reasons, including unemployment and the social pressure of living in a slum. Most of UMF's clients are farmers and petty traders, but it also serves small and medium entrepreneurs. Given the high levels of unemployment  among young people and women, UMF plays an important role as a catalyst for employment.

The MFI encourages its clients to save so that they can build up small capital and become more financially independent.

UMF has been an Oikocredit partner since 2011.

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