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Nola inbertitu

SV Creditline Private Ltd - Servicios financieros para el norte y centro de India

SV Creditline Private Ltd

Financial services for northern and central India


SV Creditline Private Ltd (SVCL) is a registered microfinance institution (MFI) that has been active since 2009. The MFI operates in three states: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Although India is no longer seen as a developing country, almost one third of the population still live below the poverty line. While the overall economy is growing, people in the north are struggling, owing to social and financial exclusion and high inflation.

Among other reasons, Oikocredit chose to invest in this MFI because it has a strong management team composed of experienced senior microfinance professionals. In addition, this relatively young MFI is planning to adopt a strong regional focus on northern and central India where many households have no access to financial services. SVCL uses Oikocredit’s loans to provide loans to women living on low incomes.

SVCL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2012.

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