CREDICENTRO SAECA - Financiar a microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas en Paraguay
Financing micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Paraguay
Credicentro SAECA is a Paraguayan non-regulated financial institution whose main aim is meet the financial needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises across the country.
Credicentro supports the micro and small business segment through both loans and financial services, as well as non-financial services such as providing training to help avoid over-indebtedness and to further financial inclusion.
The vast majority of Paraguayan companies operate in the micro and small business sector. Oikocredit’s funding of Credicentro is therefore an acknowledgement of the important economic and financial role the financial institution can play.
Its efforts to serve micro, small and medium-sized companies with strong technological support position Credicentro SAECA as a pioneer in Paraguay in the development of artificial intelligence, neural networks, process robotisation and face recognition.
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