Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L. - Financiar y capacitar a los agricultores de café de Costa Rica
Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L.
Financing and training for Costa Rican coffee farmers
Comerç Just
Comerç de productes que han estat certificats i que porten una etiqueta de Comerç Just. Un exemple és una cooperativa de productors que col·lectivament venen el seu cacau a una organització de Comerç Just.Verd
Promou i/o dóna suport a la protecció del medi ambient. Un exemple d'això seria una cooperativa de producció agroecològica.Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota (Coopedota) is a Costa Rican coffee cooperative which produces and markets high-quality coffee for domestic and international markets. It first became an Oikocredit partner in 2019.
The cooperative is important to the economy of Santa Maria de Dota as it is one of the region’s main employers. Its coffee-growing associate members receive training in crop management and agricultural best practices to produce coffee grown according to high environmental standards.
Oikocredit’s credit line will enable the cooperative to provide advance payments to growers in support of the coffee harvest and exportation.
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