Cooperativa Agrícola Cafetalera San Antonio Limitada - Financiar a los pequeños agricultores de café de Honduras
Cooperativa Agrícola Cafetalera San Antonio Limitada
Funding Honduran smallholder coffee farmers
Comerç Just
Comerç de productes que han estat certificats i que porten una etiqueta de Comerç Just. Un exemple és una cooperativa de productors que col·lectivament venen el seu cacau a una organització de Comerç Just.Cooperativa Agrícola Cafetalera San Antonio (Coagricsal) is a cooperative of small-scale coffee, cocoa and pepper farmers in western Honduras. The cooperative first partnered with Oikocredit in 2019.
Oikocredit’s financing of the cooperative will be used to purchase coffee from around 2,000 smallholder growers. The cooperative collects, transports, mills and processes the coffee for export. This enables the farmers to get better prices, raises farmers’ incomes, creates jobs and improves living standards.
Coagricsal also engages in projects which benefit local communities such as community centres, water projects, school maintenance and donations to police stations.