Muthoot Microfin Ltd - Acceso a financiación para mujeres excluidas por los bancos tradicionales
Muthoot Microfin Ltd
Access to finance for women excluded by traditional banks

Promou i/o dóna suport a la protecció del medi ambient. Un exemple d'això seria una cooperativa de producció agroecològica.Muthoot Microfin Ltd is a microfinance institution (MFI) which was launched in 2010. It became an Oikocredit partner in 2018.
The MFI focuses on entrepreneurial women with the aim of identifying talent and nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation.
It offers micro loans to economically disadvantaged women under the name of Muthoot Mahila Mitra (MMM). Muthoot Microfin is currently active in 12 states of India, with most clients located in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
In 2017, Muthoot Microfin was certified by the Smart Campaign, which means it follows responsible lending practices and has a strong client focus.
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