Cygni Energy Pvt. Ltd - Soluciones de energía solar para áreas fuera de la red en zonas rurales de India
Cygni Energy Pvt. Ltd
Solar energy solutions for off-grid areas in rural India
Promou i/o dóna suport a la protecció del medi ambient. Un exemple d'això seria una cooperativa de producció agroecològica.Cygni Energy Pvt. Ltd (Cygni) designs, manufactures and sells solar DC power backup solutions for rural homes and urban consumers. The company also offers rooftop solar solutions and manages large-scale solar projects.
More than 300 million Indians have no access to electricity and a large majority of them live in rural areas. These households depend on, for example, kerosene for lighting and diesel generators for electricity. Decentralised renewable energy sources, and solar in particular, are a valid alternative in these areas, which are unlikely to be connected to the grid soon.
Cygni is headquartered in Hyderabad and operates in a number of states, including Rajasthan, Telangana, Tamilnadu and Assam. In addition to an in-house research and development (R&D) team, the company has a factory producing solar DC systems.
By offering affordable access to energy, Cygni positively impacts the lives of thousands of people in remote rural regions. Finally, access to energy also helps promote and improve gender equality, women empowerment, productivity, public safety, education, and health care services.
Cygni Energy Pvt. Ltd has been an Oikocredit partner since 2017.
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