COCAFELOL, Cooperativa Cafetalera Ecológica 'La Labor Ocotepeque' Ltd - Capital de trabajo para comprar café orgánico de alta calidad
COCAFELOL, Cooperativa Cafetalera Ecológica 'La Labor Ocotepeque' Ltd
Working capital to buy high-quality organic coffee from members
Comerç Just
Comerç de productes que han estat certificats i que porten una etiqueta de Comerç Just. Un exemple és una cooperativa de productors que col·lectivament venen el seu cacau a una organització de Comerç Just.Verd
Promou i/o dóna suport a la protecció del medi ambient. Un exemple d'això seria una cooperativa de producció agroecològica.Cooperativa Cafetalera Ecológica "La Labor Ocotepeque" Ltda (COCAFELOL) was founded in 2000 by a group of 24 members. In 2014, the coffee cooperative included more than 300 members growing arabica coffee beans in the biological reserve of El Guisayote. COCAFELOL's coffee proudly carries a range of certifications including 'Rainforest Alliance', 'Organic' and 'Fair Trade'. The cooperative aims to be fully organic by 2017.
Honduras is the biggest coffee producer in Central America and one of the top ten producers worldwide. It took a big knock in 2006 when the central coffee cooperative collapsed, taking many member cooperatives down with it. The sector is now recovering by improving coffee-bean selection and processing, and by focusing on the production of high-quality coffee at farmer and cooperative level.
In line with its own strategic focus on agriculture and the environment, Oikocredit chose to provide this partner with fresh working capital to buy more organic beans from members and other coffee farmers. Oikocredit is a strong supporter of COCAFELOL's organic ambitions and initiatives such as its fertilization programme which produces excellent organic inputs, which control coffee leaf rust and result in healthy coffee plantations. Finally, staff are strongly committed, well trained and supported by various fair trade and organic bodies.
This loan will benefit COCAFELOL's members, 30% of whom are women, and more than 200 other coffee producers who supply COCAFELOL.