Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Ademi - Ofrecer servicios de ahorro y crédito para pequeñas empresas
Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Ademi
Providing savings and credit services for small businesses
Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Ademi (Banco ADEMI) is a microfinance institution providing credit to micro, small and medium enterprises in the Dominican Republic.
Banco ADEMI is the market leader in microfinance in the Dominican Republic. It achieved this by starting early and maintaining its transparency and an impressive level of efficiency.
Rising levels of unemployment have led to more people starting up their own business. These people often have no access to formal credit and therefore rely on microfinance institutions. More than half of the clients use Banco ADEMI for savings services.
Banco ADEMI scores very highly on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) scorecard. It is a good example of an organization exercising good social performance management, keenly aware of the challenges faced by its clients and invested in helping them create successful businesses.
Banco ADEMI will use Oikocredit’s loan to strengthen its microfinance activities, excepting its consumer loans.
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