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Què són les Associacions de Suport?

Les Associacions de Suport a Oikocredit són col·lectius de persones voluntàries constituïdes legalment en forma d'associacions sense ànim de lucre. Els socis i sòcies d'aquestes associacions duen a terme tasques de sensibilització i difusió de la missió d'Oikocredit i són una part molt important de l'organització. Les Associacions de Suport són sòcies directes de la cooperativa Oikocredit Internacional, i com a tals, representen en ella a tots els seus socis i sòcies de l'estat espanyol. Actualment existeixen 3 Associacions de Suport: Euskadi, Catalunya i Sevilla.

També existeix un grup de voluntariat actiu a Madrid (pots trobar més informació sobre aquest grup i les seves activitats a:


Finances Ètiques per al desenvolupament sostenible

Contribueix amb la teva inversió a finançar projectes com aquest

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Finae SAPI de CV Sofom ENR - Crear oportunidades a través de créditos educativos con impacto social

Finae SAPI de CV Sofom ENR

Creating opportunities through social impact education credits


FINAE is a non-banking financial institution that grants study loans to young Mexicans who want to obtain a bachelor's degree or do a postgraduate course at a private Mexican university.

FINAE was founded by a group of local investors who wanted to support students from low to middle-low segments of society. It focuses on students who have good academic performance, but have insufficient resources to pursue a college degree at a private university and are enable to enrol at a public university due to saturation.

FINAE has adopted a well-structured strategy and offers students a range of three credit products to match students’ demand and repayment capacity. It has partnered with a number of international funds, including Oikocredit.

The institution has an important socioeconomic impact on Mexican society as it enables promising students to pursue an academic career and create better career perspectives. Its business model is a response to the current situation in Mexico where public universities are forced to reject around 350,000 students each year because they don't have enough capacity. The alternative is enrolling at a private university and this route used to be exclusively available to students from well-off families.

FINAE has been an Oikocredit partner since 2009.

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